Are you looking to buy a new pool filter but are unsure how much it will cost? Everyone wants to get the best deal they can, so learning how much a pool filter costs and what factors affect the price is important. In this article, we will outline how much a pool filter typically costs and how different types of filters may affect prices. Read on for more information about how much does a pool filter cost.

Types of Pool Filters:

There are several types of pool filters available on the market today, each with its own pros and cons. Sand filters, cartridge filters, diatomaceous earth (DE) filters, and o-ring filters all have an effect on how much your filtration system will cost.

1. Sand Filters:

Sand filters are the most common type of pool filter and typically range in price from $100-$200 for a basic model. This range can increase significantly if you opt for a more advanced version with added features such as self-cleaning capability or adjustable flow control settings. Sand filters require periodic backwashing, which costs more than other types of filtration systems, but they are also less likely to clog due to how well the sand media cleans particles from your pool water.

2. Cartridge Filters:

Cartridge filters are slightly cheaper than sand filters and tend to range between $70-$150. They have several advantages over sand filters including the fact that they don’t require backwashing and they can filter smaller particles from your water. However, cartridge filters usually need to be replaced more often than sand filters due to how quickly they fill with debris, so you should factor this into your overall cost estimates.

3. Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filters:

Diatomaceous earth (DE) filters are the most expensive type of pool filter available, usually ranging in price from $150-$400. They are also the most effective type of filtration system as they have extremely fine pores that trap even the tiniest particles from your pool water. DE filters require periodic backwashing but this process is much quicker and easier compared to how it needs to be done for a sand filter.

4. O-Ring Filters:

O-ring filters are a relatively new type of pool filter and are becoming increasingly popular due to how easy they are to install and maintain. They usually range in price from $50-$150, depending on the size of your pool and how complex your filtration system is. O-ring filters don’t require backwashing and they are very effective at removing debris from your water without clogging up.

Final Verdict:

Pool filters can be expensive but there are several types available with different price points to suit any budget. Sand filters tend to be the most common type of filter while DE filters offer the best quality filtration but cost more upfront. The cost of a pool filter depends on how complex your filtration system is and how often it will need to be serviced. It’s important to do your research before purchasing a new filter so that you can make the best choice for your needs and budget.

Overall, how much does an inground pool filter cost? The answer varies depending on what type of filter you choose and how complex your filtration system is. Sand filters tend to be the most affordable while DE filters offer the best quality but cost more upfront. Be sure to compare different types of filters carefully in order to get the best deal possible. With these tips in mind, you can easily find out how much does a pool filter cost and save money in the long run.