To clean an above ground pool after draining, first remove any debris and leaves using a pool skimmer. Then use a pool brush and pool cleaner to scrub the interior walls and floor.

Finally, refill the pool with clean water and balance the water chemistry as needed. Regular maintenance and cleaning will help keep your above ground pool clean and ready for use. Having a clean above ground pool is essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience.

After draining the pool, it is important to clean and maintain it properly. This article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to clean your above ground pool effectively. By following these steps, you can keep your pool in pristine condition and extend its lifespan. So let’s dive in and learn how to clean your above ground pool after draining.

Step 1: Prepare The Pool Surface

To clean an above ground pool after draining, start by preparing the pool surface. Begin by removing debris from the pool bottom. Then, scrub the sides of the pool using a pool brush. Don’t forget to clean the ladder, steps, and handrails as well.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your pool is clean and ready for use. Regular maintenance is essential to prolong the lifespan of your pool and provide a hygienic swimming experience. Keep in mind that keeping your pool clean not only improves its appearance but also prevents the growth of algae and other contaminants.

With regular cleaning and maintenance, you can enjoy a sparkling and refreshing pool throughout the swimming season.

Step 2: Clean The Pool Filter

To clean the above ground pool after draining, you will need to follow step 2, which involves cleaning the pool filter. Start by turning off the pool pump. Then, remove the filter cartridge and rinse it thoroughly with a hose.

After rinsing, soak the cartridge in a filter cleaner solution to ensure a deep clean. Finally, rinse the cartridge again and reinstall it back into the pool filter. This process will help to ensure that your pool stays clean and healthy for your next swim.

Remember to regularly clean and maintain your pool filter to keep the water clear and free from debris.

Step 3: Shock The Pool Water

After draining your above ground pool, it is essential to clean and maintain it properly. Start by testing the pool water using a water test kit to determine its chemical composition. If necessary, adjust the pH and alkalinity levels accordingly.

The next step is to shock the pool water using a chlorine shock treatment. This will help eliminate any bacteria or algae that may have accumulated during the draining process. Allow the shock treatment to circulate for a few hours to ensure thorough disinfection.

Regularly monitoring and maintaining the cleanliness of your above ground pool will ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience for you and your family.

Step 4: Vacuum The Pool

To clean an above ground pool after draining, start by attaching the vacuum head to the telescopic pole. Then, connect the vacuum hose to the vacuum head and lower it into the pool. Next, move the vacuum head across the pool to collect debris.

As you vacuum, remember to empty the debris from the vacuum bag as needed. By following these steps, you can effectively clean your above ground pool and ensure it’s ready for use again. Regular maintenance is key in keeping your pool clean and enjoyable for swimming.

Step 5: Clean The Pool Walls And Floor

To ensure a thorough cleaning of your above ground pool after draining, proceed to the next step. Grab a pool brush and start scrubbing the walls and floor, paying special attention to areas with algae or stains. This will help to remove any dirt or debris left behind.

After scrubbing, use a hose to rinse the walls and floor, ensuring that all the cleaning solution and residue are washed away. By following these simple steps, your pool will be clean and ready for a refill. Keep your pool maintenance on track to enjoy a sparkling and inviting swimming experience.

Step 6: Finalize The Pool Cleaning

Skim the surface of the pool to remove any remaining debris before finalizing the pool cleaning process. Double-check and adjust the water levels in the pool to ensure they are at the appropriate height. Take the time to clean all the pool accessories such as skimmers and baskets to keep them in optimal condition.

Once the accessories are clean, it’s time to turn on the pool pump and ensure that the water is circulating properly. This step is essential for maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of your above ground pool. By following these guidelines, you can effectively clean your pool after draining it, keeping it fresh and ready for future use.

Step 7: Maintain The Clean Pool

Proper maintenance is crucial for keeping an above ground pool clean after draining. To maintain a clean pool, it is important to monitor the water chemistry regularly. This will help ensure that the pool is safe and free from any harmful bacteria or contaminants.

Additionally, brushing the pool walls and floor on a weekly basis helps remove any algae or dirt buildup. Vacuuming and skimming the pool as needed will remove any debris floating on the surface or settled on the bottom. Lastly, cleaning the filter cartridge regularly is essential for maintaining proper filtration and ensuring the pool water remains clean and clear.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively clean and maintain your above ground pool after draining.

How to Deep-Clean an above Ground Pool After Draining: Expert Tips


Step 8: Tips For Preventing Future Pool Contamination

To prevent future contamination of your above-ground pool, it’s crucial to keep it covered when not in use. Regularly removing leaves and debris from the pool is also essential. For maintenance, you can utilize a pool cleaner or robotic pool vacuum.

To maintain proper water chemistry, ensure you balance the levels regularly. Be cautious not to overload the pool with excessive chemicals, as this can lead to issues. By following these guidelines, you can effectively clean your above-ground pool after draining and prevent future contamination.

Remember to stay proactive and maintain a clean and balanced pool environment.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Clean Above Ground Pool After Draining?

How Often Should I Clean My Above Ground Pool After Draining?

Cleaning your above ground pool after draining is crucial to maintain its cleanliness and prevent any build-up. It is recommended to clean it at least once a month to ensure optimal hygiene and water quality.

What Is The Best Way To Clean The Walls Of An Above Ground Pool?

To clean the walls of your above ground pool, start by draining the water and removing any debris. Then, use a pool brush with a telescopic pole to scrub the walls thoroughly. Finally, rinse the walls with a hose to remove any remaining dirt or residue.

Can I Use Bleach To Clean My Above Ground Pool After Draining?

Yes, bleach can be an effective cleaning agent for your above ground pool. Mix one cup of bleach with five gallons of water and use a pool brush to scrub the pool walls and floor. Rinse the pool thoroughly with fresh water afterward to remove any traces of bleach.


To keep your above ground pool clean and well-maintained, it is essential to follow proper cleaning procedures after draining. By removing debris, scrubbing the pool walls and floor, and treating the water, you can ensure a healthy and enjoyable swimming experience.

Regularly inspecting and replacing pool equipment such as filters and pumps is also crucial for optimal performance. Additionally, using pool covers and maintaining proper chemical balance will prevent the growth of algae and bacteria. Remember to clean and store all pool cleaning tools and equipment properly after use.

Implementing these simple yet effective cleaning practices will not only extend the lifespan of your above ground pool but also provide a safe and inviting environment for family and friends to enjoy. So stay proactive and make pool cleaning a routine part of your maintenance schedule