If your pool filter keeps getting air in it, it is likely due to an air leak in the system. This can occur in various parts of the filter, such as the pump lid, o-rings, or unions, causing air to be drawn into the filter along with the water.

Regular inspection and maintenance of these components is necessary to prevent air leaks and ensure proper filtration of your pool water. Additionally, high water pressure can also contribute to air getting trapped in the filter. Cleaning or replacing the filter when the water pressure rises more than 10 PSI over the normal range can help resolve this issue.

1. Check Skimmer Basket

To prevent air from getting into your pool filter, start by checking the skimmer basket. Clean it regularly to ensure proper flow and remove any debris or obstructions. A clean skimmer basket will prevent air from entering the filter system.

Additionally, check for any leaks or cracks in the equipment that could be allowing air to enter. Proper water level maintenance is also crucial, as low water levels can contribute to air bubbles in the pump. By addressing these issues, you can keep your pool filter working efficiently and prevent air from getting in.

2. Inspect Pump Lid O-Ring

Inspect the pump lid O-ring for any signs of damage or wear. If you notice any issues, it may be necessary to replace the O-ring. By checking the pump lid O-ring, you can prevent air from entering your pool filter and causing bubbles.

A damaged or worn O-ring can create gaps where air can enter the system. This can lead to poor filtration and potential damage to your pool equipment. Regularly inspecting and replacing the pump lid O-ring as needed will help ensure that your pool filter remains free from air and functions properly.

3. Verify Pump Union Connections

Inspect the pump union connections for loose or damaged fittings, and tighten or replace any faulty connections. This step is crucial in identifying the source of air entering your pool filter. Loose or damaged fittings can create gaps that allow air to be drawn into the system.

By tightening or replacing these connections, you can ensure a tight seal and eliminate the possibility of air entering the filter. Additionally, it’s important to regularly check these connections as part of your pool maintenance routine to prevent any potential issues with air infiltration in the future.

Maintaining a properly sealed pump union will help keep your pool filter free from air and running efficiently.

4. Check Water Level

A common issue with pool filters is air getting into them. One possible cause is a low water level in the pool. When the water level is too low, the filter can pull in air along with the water, leading to air bubbles in the filter.

To address this, make sure that the pool water level is at the proper height. If you notice that the water level is too low, add water to bring it back to the appropriate level. This simple step can help prevent air from entering the filter, ensuring that it functions properly and keeps your pool clean and clear.

5. Examine Filter Valve

If you’re experiencing air in your pool filter, one possible cause could be a cracked or leaking filter valve. Inspecting the valve for any cracks or leaks is crucial. If you find any damage, it’s important to replace the valve to ensure proper filtration and prevent air from entering the system.

Regular maintenance and inspection of the filter valve can help identify and address any issues before they become major problems. By taking these steps, you can keep your pool filter functioning effectively and minimize the occurrence of air in it.

6. Inspect Pool Equipment

To prevent your pool filter from getting air in it, you should inspect all pool equipment, including the pool pump and filter, for any damage or leaks. Address any issues promptly to ensure optimal performance. Checking skimmers, pumps, and unions is essential in identifying potential areas of air leakage.

Low water levels and faulty pump lid O-rings can also cause air bubbles in the filter. Troubleshooting tips such as using the shaving cream trick and cleaning clogged filters can help resolve the issue. Additionally, investing in high-quality replacement parts like Pentair or Hayward O-rings can provide a reliable and long-lasting solution.

By taking these steps and fixing any identified problems, you can keep your pool filter free of air and maintain crystal clear water.

7. Check Return Eyeballs

To prevent air from entering your pool filter, make sure to check the return eyeballs. These should be properly adjusted and not allowing any air to enter the system. If you find that the eyeballs are not functioning correctly, you may need to adjust or replace them.

Properly functioning return eyeballs will help maintain the efficiency of your pool filter and prevent air from getting in. Paying attention to this detail can help ensure that your pool water is clean and clear, without any unwanted air bubbles.

So, take the time to inspect and adjust your return eyeballs as necessary to keep your pool filter working effectively. Avoid unnecessary air in your pool filter system by maintaining properly adjusted return eyeballs.

8. Clean Or Replace Pool Filters

Dirty or clogged pool filters can result in air getting into the system, causing issues. It is important to clean or replace the pool filters regularly to maintain proper filtration. By doing so, you can ensure that your pool water remains clean and free from debris.

Regular maintenance of your pool filters will help prevent air from entering the system, which can lead to poor water circulation and inefficient filtration. So, take the time to clean or replace your pool filters as needed to keep your pool in optimal condition and prevent air from getting into it.

9. Check For Air Leaks In Plumbing

To prevent air from entering your pool filter, you should inspect the plumbing lines for any air leaks. Repair any leaks found to ensure that no air can enter the system. Air leaks in the plumbing can disrupt the filtration process and cause air bubbles to form in the pool filter.

By checking for and fixing these leaks, you can maintain proper filtration and prevent air from getting into the filter. Regular maintenance and inspections can help identify and resolve any potential air leak issues before they become major problems.

Why Does My Pool Filter Keep Getting Air in It?: Troubleshooting Tips

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10. Consult A Professional

If troubleshooting tips do not resolve the issue, consult a professional pool technician for further assistance. A professional can provide expert advice and diagnose any underlying problems. They have the knowledge and experience to identify the cause of air getting into your pool filter and recommend appropriate solutions.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help as they can save you time, money, and frustration in the long run. Pool technicians have specialized tools and equipment to accurately diagnose and repair pool filter issues. By consulting a professional, you can ensure that your pool filter is functioning properly and enjoy clean, clear pool water all season long.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Why Does My Pool Filter Keep Getting Air In It?

How Do I Get Rid Of Air Bubbles In My Pool Pump?

To remove air bubbles in your pool pump: 1. Check skimmers and pump for any leaks or loose connections. 2. Ensure the water level in the pool is adequate. 3. Clean or replace clogged filters in the pump. 4. If the problem persists, consult a pool professional for further assistance.

What If My Pool Filter Has Too Much Pressure?

If your pool filter has too much pressure, it’s important to take action. If the water pressure rises more than 10 PSI above the normal range, it’s time to clean or replace the filter. Consult a pool professional to determine the specific pressure range for your filter model.

How Do I Find An Air Leak In My Pool Pump?

To find an air leak in your pool pump, follow these steps:

1. Check all connections for any signs of air bubbles or water leaks.

2. Inspect the pump lid and its O-ring for any cracks or damage.

3. Look for any loose or damaged fittings or valves.

4. Use a soapy water solution to test for air leaks by applying it to potential problem areas and looking for bubbles.

Note: If you are unable to locate the air leak or if the problem persists, it is recommended to consult a professional pool technician for further assistance.


If your pool filter keeps getting air in it, it is crucial to understand the possible causes and solutions. Air in the pool filter can indicate issues such as a clogged pump, low water levels, or faulty union connections. Taking the time to check your skimmers, pump, and unions can help identify and resolve these problems.

Additionally, maintaining proper water levels and regularly cleaning or replacing filters are essential for preventing air from entering the system. Remember, if the water pressure in your filter rises more than 10 PSI above the normal range, it may be time to clean or replace the filter.

It is always recommended to consult with a pool professional to ensure you are following the correct steps for your specific pool model. By addressing these issues, you can enjoy a clean and well-functioning pool all season long.