To clean calcium from the pool tile, wet the affected area and gently rub a wet pumice stone against the calcium deposits. Alternatively, you can try using vinegar as a homemade cleaning solution by spraying it on the tiles and scrubbing gently.

How to Clean Calcium from Pool Tile: Ultimate Guide


Step 1: Gather The Necessary Materials

To clean calcium from pool tile, you’ll need a few essential materials. Start by gathering a bucket of water, a soft brush or sponge, muriatic acid, protective gloves, and safety goggles. Begin the process by filling the bucket with water and wetting the affected area of the pool tile.

Then, dampen the soft brush or sponge and gently scrub the calcium deposits. Be sure to wear protective gloves and safety goggles while working with muriatic acid, as it is a strong, acidic solution. Dilute the acid with water according to the instructions on the bottle and apply it to the stubborn calcium deposits.

Allow the acid to sit for a few minutes, then use the brush or sponge to scrub away the remaining calcium. Rinse the tile thoroughly with water to remove any residue. Repeat the process as necessary until the pool tile is clean and calcium-free.

Step 2: Prepare The Pool Tile Area

To prepare the pool tile area for cleaning calcium, the first step is to empty the pool. Next, surround the tile area with plastic sheeting to protect the surrounding surfaces. Once the area is prepared, wet down the tile with water.

This will help loosen any dirt or debris that may be on the surface of the tiles. By following these steps, you can ensure that the pool tile area is ready for the next step in the cleaning process.

Step 3: Dilute The Muriatic Acid

To clean calcium from pool tile, follow these guidelines for diluting muriatic acid. Always add acid to water and not the other way around. Be cautious and adhere to safety guidelines. Wet the affected area of the pool tile with water and fill a bucket.

Gently rub a wet pumice stone against the calcium deposits. This process will help remove the buildup from the tiles. It is important to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for diluting the muriatic acid to ensure the desired results. Diluting the acid properly will help protect the pool tiles while effectively removing the calcium deposits.

Remember to prioritize safety precautions throughout the cleaning process to ensure a clean and well-maintained pool.

Step 4: Apply The Muriatic Acid Solution

To apply the muriatic acid solution and effectively clean calcium from the pool tile, make sure to proceed with caution. Carefully apply the acid solution to the affected areas of the pool tile, ensuring full coverage. Allow the acid to sit for a few minutes to penetrate the calcium buildup.

Next, gently scrub the tile using a soft brush or sponge, being mindful not to apply too much pressure. This will help to remove the calcium deposits without causing any damage to the tile. Rinse the area thoroughly with water after scrubbing to remove any residue from the acid solution.

Regular maintenance is key to preventing future calcium buildup on your pool tile.

Step 5: Rinse The Tile Thoroughly

To clean calcium from the pool tile, follow step 5 by rinsing the tile thoroughly. Use a hose or bucket of clean water to rinse off the tile. Make sure to remove all traces of the acid solution by rinsing until the water runs clear.

This step is crucial to ensuring that your pool tile is free from any residue that could lead to further buildup of calcium. By thoroughly rinsing the tile, you can maintain the cleanliness and appearance of your pool.

Step 6: Repeat If Necessary

To clean stubborn calcium deposits from pool tiles, if necessary, repeat the process. Allow the acid solution to sit for a longer period of time. Then, scrub the tile again and rinse thoroughly to remove the remaining calcium buildup. Following these steps will ensure that your pool tiles stay clean and free from unsightly calcium deposits.

Step 7: Clean Up And Dispose Of Acid Properly

To clean up and dispose of the acid properly when removing calcium from pool tile, make sure to follow safety procedures. Rinse all equipment thoroughly with clean water and store the acid and other materials in a safe place. It’s important to handle the acid solution with caution to avoid any accidents or harm.

By properly cleaning up and disposing of the acid, you can ensure the safety of yourself and others. Remember to always prioritize safety when working with chemicals to maintain a clean and well-maintained pool.

Step 8: Prevent Future Calcium Buildup

To prevent future calcium buildup in your pool, be sure to use a pool brush or cleaner regularly. This will help remove any lingering calcium deposits and keep your pool tiles clean. Additionally, it’s important to test and balance the pH and calcium hardness levels of your pool.

This will ensure that the water is properly treated and less prone to calcium buildup. Finally, consider using a sequestering agent, which can help prevent scale formation and the buildup of calcium on your pool tiles. By following these steps, you can keep your pool clean and free from unsightly calcium deposits.

Step 9: Regular Maintenance And Cleaning

To implement a regular cleaning schedule for pool tile, it is vital to use non-abrasive cleaners specifically made for this purpose. These cleaners will effectively remove calcium without damaging the tile surface. When scrubbing, it is important to do so gently to avoid any potential harm to the tile.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your pool tile remains clean and free from calcium buildup. Regular maintenance and cleaning are essential to keep your pool tile looking its best and maintaining its longevity. Don’t forget to establish a routine cleaning schedule and use the appropriate cleaners for the best results.


Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Clean Calcium From Pool Tile

What Dissolves Calcium Deposits On Pool Tile?

To dissolve calcium deposits on the pool tile, wet the affected area and gently rub a wet pumice stone against the calcium.

Can I Use Clr To Remove Calcium From Pool Tile?

No, we do not recommend using CLR to remove calcium from pool tile as it could damage the tile’s finish.

How Do You Get White Stains Out Of Pool Tiles?

To get white stains out of pool tiles, wet the affected area and gently rub a wet pumice stone against the calcium buildup. You can also try using vinegar as a homemade cleaning solution.

How Do I Remove Calcium Deposits From My Pool Walls?

To remove calcium deposits from your pool walls, you can use a pumice stone, stain eraser, or scale remover. Wet the affected area, then gently scrub with the chosen tool to remove the deposits. Remember to only use a pumice stone on hard surfaces like tile and concrete.

Why Do Pool Tiles Get Calcium Deposits?

Calcium deposits on pool tiles occur when the water balance is off, causing the calcium to precipitate and adhere to the surface.


Cleaning calcium from pool tile is an essential task that should be done regularly to maintain the appearance and functionality of your pool. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this blog post, you can effectively remove calcium deposits and restore the shine to your pool tile.

Remember to use safe and gentle cleaning agents such as vinegar or specialized tile cleaners to avoid damaging the tile surface. Additionally, consider implementing preventive measures such as balancing the water chemistry and using a pool cover to minimize the build-up of calcium deposits in the future.

With proper maintenance and regular cleaning, you can ensure that your pool remains a sparkling and inviting space for you and your guests to enjoy. Say goodbye to unsightly calcium stains and hello to a beautiful, clean pool tile.