Having a pool in your backyard can be an absolute dream come true. But the one downside is that keeping it warm can be expensive. If you’re looking for a cheaper and more creative way to keep your pool heated, we have just the solution for you: how to make a pool heater! Read on to learn how easy it is to get started with creating your very own homemade pool heater.

How to make a pool heater?

1. What You Will Need:

Before you begin, there are several items needed in order to complete this project. The most important item – and likely the most expensive one – is the solar panel. It will need to be rated at least 400 watts or higher in order to provide enough power for heating your pool. You’ll also need a 12-volt battery, a power inverter, some PVC pipes, and connectors such as hose clamps or T-fittings.

2. How to Connect the Solar Panel:

Once you have all of your supplies, it’s time to get started on how to make a DIY pool heater. The first step is connecting the solar panel to the battery. Begin by attaching the positive lead from the solar panel to the positive terminal on the battery using either screws or nuts and bolts. Then attach the negative lead from the solar panel to the negative terminal of the battery in much the same way. Make sure there is a good connection between both leads and terminals before moving on to Step 2.

3. Connecting the Power Inverter:

The power inverter will be used to convert the 12-volt battery power into 110-volt electricity. To do this, attach the positive lead from the inverter to the positive terminal of the battery and secure it firmly. Next, attach the negative lead from the inverter to the negative terminal of the battery just as you did in Step 1. Make sure all connections are secure before moving on.

4. Installing PVC Pipes:

Now it’s time how to make a DIY pool heater with PVC pipes. Start by attaching one end of a long piece of PVC pipe (at least 10 feet) to your solar panel using T-fittings or hose clamps. Then attach the other end of the pipe to the power inverter, also using T-fittings or hose clamps. This will allow heated water from your pool to pass through the solar panel and be converted into electricity by the power inverter.

5. Connecting Everything Together:

Once you have all of your components connected, it’s time to connect everything together. First, you’ll need to connect a second piece of PVC pipe (at least 10 feet long) between your pool pump and filter system and the solar panel/power inverter assembly. This will enable water to flow through both systems before being returned back into the pool.

Finally, attach one last piece of PVC pipe between your solar panel/power inverter assembly and the pool. This will allow heated water from your solar panel to be returned back into the pool.

Making a DIY pool heater is a great way to save money. Also, you will get creative with how you keep your swimming pool warm year-round. With just a few simple steps, you can have your very own homemade heater. All you need are some basic supplies like a solar panel, 12-volt battery, power inverter, and PVC pipes along with proper connections between each component. With these items, plus some ingenuity and determination, you’ll soon be enjoying a nice hot swim in your backyard oasis!