Will reset the Dolphin pool cleaner and allow it to function properly again. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific model to ensure a successful reset.

Understanding The Power Of A Quick Reset

Understanding the Power of a Quick Reset is crucial when it comes to the Basic Functionality of a Dolphin Pool Cleaner. Common issues and troubleshooting can often be resolved with a simple reset. The reset button plays a significant role in restoring optimal performance.

To reset the pool cleaner, you need to follow a step-by-step guide. Different Dolphin models have their reset buttons located in various positions. Some models include Dolphin S Series, Maytronics Active20/30/60/Dolphin, Maytronics MyDolphin Power Supply, Dolphin T35 Robotic Cleaner, Dolphin Active 20, Dolphin M400, Dolphin Nautilus, and Dolphin Supreme.

The process involves powering off the cleaner, locating the reset button, and then resetting the cleaner before powering it back on. Additional tips for maintaining and troubleshooting include regular cleaning and maintenance, reviewing the user manual, and seeking professional assistance when needed.

Resetting your Dolphin Pool Cleaner can quickly resolve issues and ensure optimal performance.

Where is Reset Button on Dolphin Pool Cleaner? Discover the Power of a Quick Reset!

Credit: www.lowes.com

Frequently Asked Questions For Where Is Reset Button On Dolphin Pool Cleaner?

Is There A Reset Button On The Dolphin Pool Cleaner?

Yes, there is a reset button on the Dolphin pool cleaner. It is usually located on the power supply unit or control box. To reset, unplug the device from the power source, wait 10-15 minutes, then plug it back in.

This will restart the Maytronics Dolphin power supply.

Why Does My Dolphin Pool Cleaner Turn On But Not Move?

The reset button on the Dolphin pool cleaner is usually found on the power supply unit or control box. To reset it, unplug it from the power source for 10-15 minutes and then plug it back in. This will restart your Maytronics Dolphin power supply.

Why Is My Pool Cleaner Not Turning On?

The reset button on the Dolphin pool cleaner is usually found on the power supply unit or control box. To reset, unplug it from the power source, wait 10-15 minutes, and then plug it back in to restart the power supply.

Why Does My Dolphin Pool Cleaner Keep Flipping Over?

The reset button on your Dolphin pool cleaner is usually found on the power supply unit or control box. To reset it, unplug the cleaner from the power source for 10-15 minutes, then plug it back in. This will restart your Maytronics Dolphin power supply.


There you have it! Resetting your Maytronics Dolphin pool cleaner is a simple and straightforward process. The reset button is usually located on the power supply unit or the control box of the device. To reset it, unplug the cleaner from the power source and wait for 10 to 15 minutes.

Once the time has passed, plug it back in and your Dolphin pool cleaner will be ready to go. It’s important to note that this reset process applies specifically to Maytronics Dolphin cleaners. By following these steps, you can easily troubleshoot any issues and ensure that your pool cleaner is functioning optimally.

Happy pool cleaning!
