To prime a pool pump, turn off the power, relieve the air pressure, replace the basket, open the diverter valves, and check the water flow. You can also follow these steps: turn the multiport valve to recirculate, remove winter pool plugs, fill the pump with water using a hose, and finally, turn on the pump.

These steps will help ensure proper priming of your pool pump. Pool pump priming is important as it creates suction and allows the pump to effectively circulate water in the pool. It is recommended to allow water to run into the pump housing for at least two minutes to ensure sufficient water flow.

Incorrect priming can lead to poor pump performance and potentially damage the pump.

Turn Off Power

To prime a pool pump, the first step is to turn off its power. Make sure the pool pump is disconnected from the power source. This is crucial for safety reasons and to prevent any electrical accidents. By disconnecting the power, you eliminate the risk of injury and ensure a safe working environment.

It’s important to always prioritize safety when dealing with pool pumps or any electrical equipment. Once the power is turned off and the pump is disconnected, you can proceed with the necessary maintenance or priming tasks. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and recommendations for priming your specific pool pump model.

Relieve Air Pressure

To relieve air pressure from the pool pump system, start by turning off the power. Next, locate and open the air relief valve to release any trapped air. Allow the air to escape until water starts to come out. This will help ensure a steady flow of water through the pump.

Additionally, you can check for any air leaks in the system and fix them if necessary. Regularly relieving air pressure in the pool pump system will help maintain its efficiency and prevent damage to the pump. Remember to follow these steps whenever you need to prime the pool pump.

Replace The Basket

To prime a pool pump, start by replacing the basket. Remove the basket and clean or replace it if necessary. It’s important to ensure proper flow and prevent any debris from entering the pump. Regular maintenance of the basket will help keep your pool pump running smoothly.

Additionally, make sure to check the basket for any cracks or damage that could affect its performance. By following these steps, you can ensure that your pool pump is properly primed and ready to keep your pool clean and clear.

Open Diverter Valves

To prime your pool pump, start by opening the diverter valves to allow water flow.

Check The Water Flow

To prime a pool pump, the first step is to check the water flow. Ensure that water is flowing properly through the pool pump.

Open The Main Drain Line

To properly prime a pool pump, one important step is to open the main drain line. This allows for proper water circulation within the pool system. By opening the main drain line, any debris or sediment that has settled at the bottom of the pool can be effectively removed and prevented from clogging the pump.

This ensures that the pump can efficiently draw in water from the pool and maintain optimal performance. Additionally, opening the main drain line helps to prevent any airlocks or suction issues that may occur when the pump is not properly primed.

Proper water circulation is essential for keeping the pool clean and maintaining the overall health of the pool system.

Turn Multiport Valve To Recirculate

To prime your pool pump, start by turning the multiport valve to the recirculate mode. This will allow the water to bypass the filter and circulate directly back into the pool. Adjusting the multiport valve to recirculate mode is essential for priming the pump properly.

Following this step, you can continue with the other necessary actions to prime your pool pump effectively.

Remove Winter Pool Plugs

To prime your pool pump, start by removing any winter pool plugs. This step is crucial because if the plugs are left in, it can prevent proper water flow and hinder the priming process. Once the plugs are removed, you can proceed with priming the pump.

Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific pump model. Priming the pump involves filling the pump with water using a hose until it’s full. Then, turn on the pump and check for any leaks or issues with water flow.

By removing the winter pool plugs before priming the pump, you ensure that the water can flow freely and the pump can work efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Prime Pool Pump

What Is The Best Way To Prime A Pool Pump?

To prime a pool pump, follow these steps for optimal results: 1. Turn off power to the pump. 2. Relieve air pressure by opening the air relief valve. 3. Replace the basket in the pump. 4. Open diverter valves and check water flow before turning on the pump.

By following these steps, you can ensure proper priming of your pool pump.

How Long Does It Take For A Pool Pump To Prime?

It takes approximately two minutes for a pool pump to prime by allowing water to run into the pump housing. This ensures enough water is present to create suction in the pump.

How Do You Prime A Pool Pump Motor?

To prime a pool pump motor, follow these steps: 1. Turn off power. 2. Relieve air pressure. 3. Replace the basket. 4. Open diverter valves and check water flow.


To ensure your pool pump operates efficiently, it’s crucial to properly prime it. By following a few simple steps, you can ensure that your pool pump is ready to go. Begin by turning off the power and relieving any air pressure.

Next, replace the basket and open the diverter valves. Check the water flow and open the main drain line, if necessary. Finally, fill the pump with water using a hose and turn it on. It’s important to remember that priming a pool pump may take a few minutes, so be patient.

Allowing enough time for water to run into the pump housing will ensure proper suction. By taking the time to prime your pool pump, you can enjoy clean and clear pool water all summer long.