If being able to enjoy your pool in summer is a real way to relax with family or friends, a dirty pool often curbs pleasure. However, to keep the pool water clear and clean, it must be subject to daily attention. If enjoying a pool is a treat, cleaning the pool is more like a punishment. And if you get rid of this chore! Cleaning your pool with a robot removes dirt and organic debris from the bottom and walls of your pool. Pool cleaning robots have evolved technologically, in use, and in inefficiency. It is still necessary to choose the robotic pool cleaner that is suitable for your pool and also essential to maintain it properly. You have to know how often to run your robotic pool cleaner.

How Often To Clean Your Pool?

Cleaning the walls of the pool makes it possible not to contaminate the water of the pool. Clean water in a dirty basin will not make you want to take advantage of it and may damage the coating. You will, therefore, need to equip yourself with brushes, brooms, landing nets, and vacuum cleaners for weekly maintenance. It is crucial to take stock of the support of your pool every week and to clean the bottom and walls as soon as individual deposits appear. Maintaining your pool is a rather unpleasant task. But it should clean regularly to keep the water clean and the pool in good condition. Purchasing an automatic robot cleaner can limit manual tasks, but does not require special attention. Some devices even allow remote management of pool maintenance and the necessary checks today

How Often To Run Robotic Pool Cleaner?


Robotic pool cleaners are an efficient and convenient way to keep your pool clean. However, how often you should run the robotic cleaner is dependent on a few different factors including the size of your pool, the environment around it, and the type of debris that accumulates in it.

1. Pool Size:

The larger your swimming pool, the more time it will take for a robotic cleaner to thoroughly clean its surface. For small pools (under 12×24 feet), a single cycle can usually do the trick. But for large pools (over 24×50 feet) it’s generally recommended to run multiple cycles or even split them up over multiple days.

2. Environment:

The environment around your swimming pool can also influence how often you should run a robotic cleaner. If the area is prone to dirt and debris from trees, lawns, or stepped foot traffic, it’s best to run the robot more frequently (at least twice a week). On the other hand, if the area is relatively clean with no significant sources of dirt and debris, running it just once a week may be enough.

3. Type Of Debris:

The type of debris that accumulates in your pool can also affect how often you need to run a robotic cleaner. For pools that are mostly filled with leaves and twigs, it’s best to run the robot daily or every other day. If there’s more sand, algae, and dirt, running it once a week should be sufficient.

In summary, It depends on the size of your pool, the environment around it, and what type of debris accumulates in it. Running it too frequently can cause unnecessary wear and tear on the machine so make sure to follow these guidelines when deciding how often to clean your pool with a robotic cleaner.


How Long to Run Pool Cleaner?

1. Automatic Pool Cleaners:

Automatic pool cleaners are designed to run for 4-6 hours each day, depending on the size and shape of your pool. If your pool cleaner has a timer, you can set it to start cleaning at a specific time each day—such as first thing in the morning or just before you go to bed at night—and it will automatically shut off after its programmed duration.

2. Manual Pool Vacuums:

Manual pool vacuums should be used several times per week until all dirt and debris have been removed from the floor, walls, and steps of your pool. The length of time needed to vacuum the pool will depend on its size and the amount of debris that has accumulated. However, a typical vacuuming session should take 30-45 minutes.

3. Robotic Pool Cleaners:

Robotic pool cleaners are designed to clean your entire pool in one cycle, usually lasting between two and three hours depending on the size of your pool. The robotic cleaner will automatically shut off when it will finish its cleaning. So you don’t have to worry about keeping track of time or manually shutting it off.


Robotic Pool Cleaner Maintenance Tips:

1. Cleaning the Filter Basket & Skimmer Basket:

Regularly check your filter basket and skimmer basket for debris. If there is any debris, remove it by hand or use a net to scoop it out. It’s also important to empty both baskets and clean them with a hose on a weekly basis. This will help keep the pool free of contaminants and ensure that your robotic pool cleaner runs correctly.

2. Clean the Filters Regularly:

It’s important to clean your filters regularly in order to maintain the optimal performance of your robotic pool cleaner. Depending on how often you use your robotic vacuum, you should plan on cleaning the filters every week or two. To do this, remove the filter from your cleaner and rinse it with a hose or in the sink to remove any debris.

3. Check for Damage:

Periodically check your robotic pool cleaner for signs of damage. If you notice any cracks, breaks, or worn parts on your machine, replace them as soon as possible so that it can continue to work properly.

4. Inspect & Clean the Brushes & Rollers:

The brushes and rollers on your robotic pool cleaner are responsible for scrubbing away dirt and grime from surfaces. Make sure to inspect these components regularly and clean off any buildup with a soft-bristle brush or sponge.

5. Check for Proper Alignment:

If your robotic pool cleaner is having trouble cleaning or getting stuck on stairs, it may be a sign that the internal components are out of alignment. Sometimes you can adjust these components manually to resolve the issue, but if not, you should have a professional service technician inspect your machine.

6. Check for Loose Parts & Connections:

When maintaining your robotic pool cleaner, always check all of the electrical connections and make sure they are secure. Additionally, look for any loose parts that could potentially get snagged while in operation and tighten them as needed.

By following these tips regularly, you can ensure that your robotic pool cleaner runs correctly and continues to keep your pool clean and safe.

Robotic pool cleaners are a convenient and efficient way to keep your pool sparkling clean.  To maintain a healthy, clean pool environment you should run a robot cleaner at least once each week. With regular cleaning, you will save time and energy as well as money on costly repairs that can come from neglecting proper maintenance. It’s also important to make sure your robot cleaner has fresh filters and brushes so it can do its job effectively; if in doubt, refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations for optimum use of the product.